T21Mom - Episode 111 : Rocktober Means Down Syndrome Awareness Month - IEPs - and Halloween

In today's episode Mary shares this year's IEP experience, which went pretty well! She also talks about Ainsley's new EA, how keen he is, and how he wants to make things more inclusive for Ainsley. Plus she has an update about Ainsley's palette exp...
In today's episode Mary shares this year's IEP experience, which went pretty well! She also talks about Ainsley's new EA, how keen he is, and how he wants to make things more inclusive for Ainsley. Plus she has an update about Ainsley's palette expander (it's not good news), what she is doing for Rocktober, plans for Halloween, and a little story about how her advocating has really resonated with another mom.
#T21Mom #T21Mompodcast #Rocktober #IEP