T21Mom - Episode 55 : Andrea Lee On Sexual Health & Development

** Special Warning** This program involves a very frank discussion of human biology, puberty, and sexual development. Personal discretion is advised.
Mary has a very frank discussion with Andrea Lee of the Down Syndrome Resource Foundation about spe...
** Special Warning** This program involves a very frank discussion of human biology, puberty, and sexual development. Personal discretion is advised.
Mary has a very frank discussion with Andrea Lee of the Down Syndrome Resource Foundation about special needs kids and issues around puberty and sexual health.
Teaching Children with Down Syndrome about their Bodies, Boundaries, and Sexuality: A guide for Parents and Professionals – Terri Couwenhoven
The Girls Guide to Growing Up – Terri Couwenhoven
The Boys Guide to Growing Up – Terri Couwenhoven
Talk Sex Today – Saleema Noon and Meg Hickling (I don’t think I actually mentioned this but it’s a great book that gives scripts for parents to talk about these things with their children, including a chapter on talking to your child with disabilities)
Sex is a Funny Word – Cory Silverberg
Circles of Intimacy – learning about different relationships
Jessy Wollens – Special educator and sexual health educator
Lindsey Strickland – sexual abuse prevention worker and Down syndrome parent and advocate