T21Mom – Episode 9 : Understanding Occupational Therapy with Hina

T21Mom – Episode 9 : Hina, the Down Syndrome Resource Foundation’s Occupational Therapist joins us for a conversation about how children with Down syndrome can learn to understand and control their body’s feelings and movements, and why the term “Occ...
T21Mom – Episode 9 : Hina, the Down Syndrome Resource Foundation’s Occupational Therapist joins us for a conversation about how children with Down syndrome can learn to understand and control their body’s feelings and movements, and why the term “Occupational” is a bit of a misnomer.
Understanding Sensory Processing - https://www.spdstar.org/basic/understanding-sensory-processing-disorder
Developmental Progression Pyramid - (the pyramid is included in these presentation notes that can be found on the DSRF website)
When to Consult an OT - Document that outlines what types of skills OTs can work on with kids.