T21Mom - Episode 91 : Rose Reif

Mary talks with Rose Reif, a Licensed Clincical Mental Health Counsellor, about a topic we don’t hear about too often-grief. Rose provides insight and tips on how to handle and manage the grief of our child’s diagnosis. Rose talks about several thing...
Mary talks with Rose Reif, a Licensed Clincical Mental Health Counsellor, about a topic we don’t hear about too often-grief. Rose provides insight and tips on how to handle and manage the grief of our child’s diagnosis. Rose talks about several things around grief-including that your grief does not mean you don’t love your child and why it can be important to schedule time to be sad and so much more. To learn more about Rose, visit RoseReif.com
We apologize for Mary's mic problems at the beginning of the interview. It couldn't be fixed "in post".