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April 3, 2024

T21Mom-Episode 122- Keller Kuhn's Diagnosis Story: "I prayed for a ch…

Mary chats with mom Keller Kuhn for the first episode in the diagnosis stories series.  Keller is Mom to Timmy, who is almost 22 years old, and she shares how she actually prayed for a child with extra needs, what prompted this and how she felt when ...

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March 27, 2024

T21Mom - Episode 118: Happy Post World Down Syndrome Day-do you love …

Mary shares her personal experience on this past World Down Syndrome Day and cool experience after wearing her "Love Down Syndrome" shirt.  She also shares that even though this day is important, that this year she didn't do a whole lot other than we...

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March 20, 2024

Identical Twins and Mosaic Down Syndrome

Mary chats with Lauren Zwick, mom to Emma and Lily who are identical twins with mosaic Down syndrome-a true rarity! Lauren shares the uniqueness of her twins and how their mosaicism affects them differently.  It is a fascinating and intriguing conver...

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March 7, 2024

T21Mom - Episode 119 My Diagnosis Story-When I Learned My Baby Would …

Mary shares her personal story of being a single mom by choice and receiving a prenatal diagnosis that her baby would be born with Down Syndrome.  She talks of her intense feelings of grief and sadness upon learning of her baby's diagnosis, but also ...

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Feb. 22, 2024

T21Mom - Episode 118: Toilet Training Your Child With Down Syndrome-W…

Mary chats once again with toileting expert Katie Rinald.  Katie answers some of the most commonly asked question from parents who are toilet training their child with Down syndrome.  Everything from when to start, is your child ready, how to get you...

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Feb. 15, 2024

T21Mom - Episode 117 : Season Opener-Snowfall, Speech and School and …

Mary shares about the recent snowfall and how Ainsley actually enjoyed it.  She also talks about what is happening at school, how Ainsley is participating, and her recent gains in speech. And finally, Mary talks about how you can be a part of an upco...

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Dec. 20, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 116 : The 2023 Christmas Show

Christmas traditions and how Christmas may look different for our children with Down Syndrome.On today’s episode Mary talks with Ron about some of her favourite Christmas traditions, how she has learned to appreciate the “moments” and not worry about...

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Dec. 6, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 115 : Fostering Friendships For Your Child With Down…

On today’s episode, Mary shares the best birthday gift ever!  Putting into Ainsley’s IEP “fostering friendships” turned into a heartwarming birthday card and a beautiful note by Ainsley’s EA for her birthday.  She talks to how our kids, even those wi...

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Nov. 29, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 114 - Celebrating Babies With Down Syndrome With a J…

On today's episode, Mary talks with Carissa Carroll, founder of Jack's Basket.  When her son Jack was born with Down syndrome, no one congratulated them and the delivery of his diagnosis by the health care provider left much to be desired. Carissa fe...

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Nov. 12, 2023

T21 Mom - Episode 113 : Halloween and the Potato, Madison Tevlin and …

On today's episode, Mary talks about a successful Halloween and an interesting trick or treat experiment involving a potato!  Mary also shares how she was pleasantly surprised with Ainsley''s memory of her music therapy teacher.  Mary also met Madiso...

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Nov. 2, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 112 : DSDN Rockin’ Moms Retreat in San Antonio

Mary heads to San Antonio, Texas for this year's Rockin Moms Retreat.  Listen in as Mary chats with other moms, hears their stories, and learns what the Retreat means to them.  There's another Haunted Rockin Moms pub crawl that may have been more sin...

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Oct. 26, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 111 : Rocktober Means Down Syndrome Awareness Month …

In today's episode Mary shares this year's IEP experience, which went pretty well!  She also talks about Ainsley's new EA, how keen he is, and how he wants to make things more inclusive for Ainsley.  Plus she has an update about Ainsley's palette exp...

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Oct. 21, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 110 : Down Syndrome and the Post Secondary Transition

On today’s episode Mary talks with Patrick Cadigan and Megan Smallwood of the Post Secondary Transition podcast. They discuss the role of a Transition Coordinator, how to involve your child in these decisions, and the complexities of the post seconda...

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Oct. 6, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 109 : A New EA, Renewed Optimism and Hope for the Co…

Mary shares her thoughts on the coming school year and how she is hopefull and optimistic despite all the changes. She also talks about how pleasantly surprised she was, when they all went out for the afternoon and Ainsley walked for hours with no co...

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Sept. 28, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 108 - Dorothy Gazzola - Transition from High School …

Mary talks to Dorothy Gazzola about the transition from High School to later life adventures. Transitions Timeline

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Sept. 13, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 107 : Back To School

Mary chats about how back to school this year is different.

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Aug. 9, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 106 : Summer Update: Palette Expansion and a Haircut!

Mary talks about Ainsley's palette expansion and the challenges they are facing. Also, Ainsley had her first "official" salon visit and how that all went down!

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Aug. 3, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 105 : Vacation Success and Creating a Down Syndrome …

On today's episode, Mary talks about her recent vacation and how it was so successful. Hint - it involves a large water slide. She shares some of the other fun and adapted activities that they did.  She also talks about how she is creating her own Do...

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July 27, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 104 : Homeschooling and Down Syndrome

Mary talks with returning guest, Christine Wiebe, about homeschooling kids with Down syndrome.  Christine believes that anyone can homeschool their child, you just have to have the desire and motivation to do so.  They talk about the myth that homesc...

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July 19, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 103 : Down Syndrome Grief, a Little Vacay, and Know …

In this episode Mary talks about her grief and some recent challenging times. She shares some of the tips she is using for self-care, including flowers and knitting. She admits she is not a fabulous knitter, but enjoys it anyways. And she chats about...

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July 13, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 102 : Talking About Down Syndrome and Apraxia

Mary talks with Rocking Mom, Stephanie, about Childhood Apraxia of Speech, also known as apraxia.  Stephanie shares her journey about her son Odin, who likely has the diagnosis of apraxia of speech and how she has had to fight for services for her so...

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July 6, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 101 : End of School, The Down Syndrome Gap, and Summ…

Mary shares about the end of the school year with Ainsley and some of the challenges this past year has brought, the dance recital, and Challenger baseball. She also talks about the ever increasing gap between Ainsley and her peers, and how that has ...

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June 29, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 100 : Steve Friedman

The Essential Guide for Down Syndrome Families.Mary chats with rocking dad and author, Steve Friedman, who wrote “The Essential Guide for Down Syndrome Families.”  This Guide, as Steve likes to call it, is an excellent resource for all families who h...

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June 14, 2023

T21Mom - Episode 99 : Run Up For Down Syndrome, Boat For Hope, and En…

Mary talks about her success at the Farmers Market selling cookies of course, and why she didn’t get a table next to Starbucks at the "Run Up For Down Syndrome". She also talks about the the Boat for Hope, an annual event, put on by Variety, the Chil...

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